premuim INFANT Care and EDUCATION

Building Bonds, One Baby Smile at a Time

Cooing, Giggling, Growing Together

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Get yoInfant Magic in Every Moment

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Creating Memories, Cherishing Milestones

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Cradling Dreams, One Baby at a Time

Discover the Magic of Infancy

Infant Adventures Begin Here

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Developing Our Young Ones: Nurturing Growth and Multilingualism at GCS

From the moment a child enters the world, their journey of rapid development begins. At GCS (Global Children School), we’ve cultivated a nurturing environment tailored to fuel growth across all developmental domains. Our primary focus encompasses physical development and sensory-motor skills, aiming to provide stimulating experiences that empower our infants to reach their utmost potential.Our environment is purposefully designed to encourage movement and progression in our little ones. This setting is carefully crafted to foster sensory skills and facilitate exploration, especially for our tiny crawlers.

More About Us

Building Strong Foundations

We prioritize meaningful interactions by fostering safe, secure, and loving one-on-one engagements between caregivers and infants. Our dedicated teachers engage in verbal communication and soothing melodies during feeding, diapering, and playtime. These interactions serve as the bedrock for robust developmental growth.

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Benefits of Multilingualism in Infancy

Cognitive Advantages: Early exposure to multiple languages can enhance cognitive skills, including problem-solving, multitasking, and mental flexibility.
Cultural Understanding: Multilingual infants develop an early appreciation for different cultures and languages, fostering a sense of inclusivity and cultural diversity.
Language Acquisition Skills: Learning multiple languages in infancy can make it easier for children to learn additional languages later in life.

Strategies to Support Multilingual Language Development:

Consistent Exposure: Ensure consistent exposure to each language by assigning specific contexts or family members to each language to avoid confusion.
Encourage Communication: Create an environment where the baby feels encouraged to communicate in both languages by responding positively to their attempts in each language.
Maintain Patience: Be patient with the baby’s language development process. Code-switching is a natural phase and indicates the brain’s ability to process multiple languages.

Parental Role in Multilingual Language Development

Modeling Languages: Parents or caregivers who speak multiple languages can model the use of each language naturally in everyday conversations.
Reading and Songs: Read books, sing songs, and recite rhymes in each language to expose infants to a variety of vocabulary and language patterns.

Welcome to our Infant Room

We're delighted to embark on this journey of growth and discovery alongside your precious little one. In our nurturing environment, we prioritize the safety, comfort, and development of each infant entrusted to our care. Our experienced caregivers are dedicated to providing personalized attention, tender care, and stimulating experiences tailored to meet the unique needs of every child. From gentle cuddles to engaging sensory play, we create a warm and loving atmosphere where your infant can thrive and explore the world with curiosity and wonder. We look forward to building a strong bond with your family and supporting your child's early milestones and achievements in this magical stage of infancy. Welcome to our loving community, where every day is filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities!

Initiating Multilingual Exposure

Global Children School is a trilingual, immersive, proven learning environment that builds on language, culture, and a child's natural ability to learn and play.

Spanish and Russian Language Learning

Through music intelligence and integrated movement activities, we guide our infants toward the early stages of multilingualism. Musical exposure involves listening to diverse ethnic songs and captivating stories. During storytime, our infants are cozily nestled as our educators read culturally diverse and bilingual books, igniting a passion for language and cultural appreciation.

Language Enrichment

Early language exposure significantly influences a child’s holistic development, shaping cognitive abilities, linguistic skills, social interactions, emotional expression, academic success, and cultural understanding. Creating a language-rich environment from infancy supports a child’s overall growth and lays the foundation for lifelong language abilities and success in various facets of life.

Smooth Interactions

At GCS, our holistic approach aims to not only support the physical and sensory-motor development of our young learners but also to lay the groundwork for multilingualism, cultural appreciation, and a love for learning.

Most Important Years

"The First five years will have so much to do with how the next 80 years turn out" Bill Gates.

How is transition goes for my child?

We understand that transitions between daycare and home can be significant for infants and families. We provide a warm and welcoming environment during drop-off and pick-up times, allowing time for toddlers to ease into or out of the daycare setting. Our educators communicate openly with parents and provide updates on their child's day to ensure a smooth transition between daycare and home environments.

What is the classoom ratio?

The classroom ratio refers to the number of children under the supervision of each teacher or caregiver in a daycare or educational setting. The ratio is an important factor in ensuring the safety, well-being, and quality of care for children. For infants, who are typically aged between 3 months to 1.3 years old, the  classroom ratio is 2:7 according to local regulations and licensing requirements.

Do you offer any resources or tips for parents to support transitions at home?

Yes, we provide resources and tips for parents to support smooth transitions at home. This may include creating visual schedules, establishing consistent routines, and offering comfort and encouragement during challenging transitions. We believe that consistency between home and daycare routines fosters a sense of stability and security for infants.

How the infant classroom day look like?

The infant day at our daycare is thoughtfully designed to meet the unique needs of our youngest learners, typically ranging from newborns to around 12 months old. Here's an overview of what a typical day in the infant room looks like: Arrival and Greeting, Feeding Time, Naptime, Sensory Play, Interactive Songs and Rhymes, Diaper Changes and Hygiene, Gentle Stimulation, Individualized Attention, Communication with Parents, Pick-Up and Transition.

What do I need to bring on my first day?

For your infant's first day at our daycare, it's essential to bring along a few items to ensure their comfort, safety, and well-being. Here's a checklist of things you'll need:Diapers and Wipes, Feeding Supplies, Extra Clothing, Pacifiers or Comfort Items, Nap items.

Will I get an updates about my child?

We provide regular updates on infants' daily activities, milestones, and development through various channels such as daily reports, newsletters, and online platforms. This keeps parents informed and engaged in their child's daycare experience.

Nurture your child's creativity and growth

Inspiring global citizens through our educators as we strive for excellence with expectations that far exceed State and National Standards.