Global perspective is something Global Children School takes into its teachings. A definition global perspective is a “comprehensive lens through which you see the world around you. It shapes how you perceive and understand your own identity and the identity of people you interact with, as you begin to understand what goes into shaping culture.” With global perspective, it helps connect regions of the world in economical, political, and social understandings.
To create a more global mindset, listening to international music, watching foreign television shows, reading foreign literature, and taking international classes are ways to experience the culture. Global Children School takes advantage of taking some of these ideas to the classroom. For example, reading foreign literature is something that is taken into the classroom. When these children are being taught English, Spanish, and Russian, they are not just focusing on speaking it, but understanding readings in each language. The overall writing of the language is important when gaining global perspective. In addition, international music is part of the Music Intelligence being taught in the classroom.

Teaching children about global perspective is an advantage at such a young age. The world has endless connections that we may not think of on a regular basis. This starts from the Internet to traveling, media or trade. For children to begin to understand the connection of the world at a young age is a great opportunity, especially when they are considered to be very open-minded.
Society has an advantage to give children knowledge on global perspective. Each day, technology is getting more and more advanced. Technology plays such a large role in global perspective because we are given the ability to connect with almost anyone around the world within seconds. Jamie explains how it is important to focus on our personal needs, but a global mindset of the world will “broaden our horizons.” Children can view the world as one rather than “them.”
Global Children School takes these ideas and applies it to its own materials. Some of the ways Global Children integrates global perspective is through food, cultural ideas in language classes, and movies. Global Children is excited for the knowledge given to children at school and the mindset they provide on the world children are just learning about.